Dorian Spencer Davies – Welsh Watercolor Wizard!
Water Color with a hint of pastels makes Wales so Colorful!

Dorian Spencer Davies, who hails from Carmarthen in South Wales, has a style that just catches your eye instantly. His inspiration is taken from the wonderful scenery that makes up the coastline and small towns and hamlets in South and West Wales.

His artwork is slightly ‘cartoony’, packed with vibrant color plus a large dose of Dylan Thomas’s ‘Under Milk Wood’ thrown into the mix of the palette. All around this small but magical part of the world are quaint harbours, stunning beaches and quirky Welsh villages. Dorian manages to capture the very essence of each scene – encapsulating the character, enticing you right in with his magnetic flair.

His use of color is exceptional and finds a beautiful balance and blend of tonal qualities that are a joy to behold. I recently asked how he could make the colors literally jump out and bite you! He told me that he uses good artist water color plus the magic but simple ingredient of water soluble pastels to beef up the intensity.
This was something I hadn’t tried before as most of my own work is through the digital medium. At the first opportunity I broke out the pastels and tried out his technique on an existing water color cartoon. The result boosted the saturation of every color bringing the cartoon alive to a new vibrant level – simple but so effective.
Dorian Spencer Davies was born a stones throw from the site of the legendary ‘Merlin’s Oak Tree’ in Carmarthen and from a very young age was always drawing and sketching – destined to be an artist. After studying Natural History Illustration at Carmarthen College he began his career in the publishing houses of London with Dorling Kindersley Children’s book division as Senior Art Editor.
Dorian Spencer Davies was strongly influenced by the Cornish artist Alfred Wallis after discovering a book on the artist while browsing a book store. Wallis also created local scenes in Cornwall and you can see the direct influence he had on the Welsh Artist.

Dorian Spencer Davies has a huge catalogue of work that you can view on his website and also on Dorians Facebook page where you find additional information on his current work, exhibitions and other promotional events.

He offers his original artwork, limited edition prints and prints on his web site and I can personally confirm that they are even better than on the web site as I have just purchased three prints which are all beautifully mounted and look stunning. As an artist myself it takes something special for me to buy artwork but in this case he ticked all the boxes!

Even if you are not looking for something to put on your wall it is well worth looking at Dorians Spencer Davies’s Artwork a visual treat that will have you wanting to visit the many scenes he has painted.
Visit and admire the work of Dorian Spencer Davies right here…