Artists Leather Satchel – The best gift I had in years!
Artists Leather Satchel – The best gift I had in years!

What do you want for Christmas?
My wife asked me what I wanted for Christmas, but nothing really sprang to mind apart from the usual socks, book, pens, pencils, which I already have in abundance. She kept chipping away at me during early December, “Have you thought of anything I can get you?” I always drew a blank.
During the first week of December I had a cartooning project for Brass band England, an organization representing the brass bands across the country. Every time I worked on the project, there was always something I couldn’t find. Where had I put the sketches, where were my pens, where were the watercolor pencils? After much searching, cursing and time wasting, I would eventually find the missing item. Then it struck me. The perfect Christmas gift – something portable to carry everything I need in one place.

After scouring the ‘net’, I decided I would like something I could carry over my shoulder that had enough space and compartments to carry and subdivide paper, pens, inks and other drawing paraphernalia. Leather was a requirement as I am trying my best to stop using plastic.
Back to school days!
When I was a kid everyone had a leather school satchel. Everyone except me, as my parents were skint most of the time. Time to get retro and own what they could never afford. I settled on a decent sized leather satchel. Most were a ridiculous price, and I figured that leather is leather. The inflated price tag of most satchels on the market was Dick Turpin doing his worst!

I found one that had everything I needed and the price was very reasonable. My wife ordered it and was happy. When I opened it on Christmas Day, I was absolutely delighted. There is nothing quite like the smell of new leather and the satchel was perfect. I can fit my drawing stuff and sketch pads into it withb room to spare. There are also five outer pockets for pens, pencils and anything else I need to stow away – Perfect!
You might not like the look of this artists leather satchel but it does a great job!
The design might not be to your taste, but the practicality of it is what made it the perfect gift for a cartoonist or any artist. There are many more styles available that may suit you better (follow this link).
I now have everything in one place. I can start work straight away without the usual frustrating search. It’s portable, so I can take it anywhere and with the generous adjustable shoulder strap I can hang it up, leaving more shelf space.
Artists Leather Satchel – Best Christmas present I have had in years – I absolutely love it!